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Re-Accredited by NAAC

Re-Accredited by NAAC

On Friday, 24 Mar 2023

It's Time to Cherish!!! We, SNS College of Technology is Re- Accredited by NAAC (in Cycle III) with A++. We are proud to be the only Engineering College in Tamil Nadu Accredited for 7 years!!! Congratulations and Sincere thanks to all our Stakeholders!!! #SNSInstitutions #SNSDesignThinkers #DesignThinking #naac #a++ #GDTA #DesignThinkingMattersNow #stanford #stanfordgsb #sutdsingapore #TiEGlobal #CII #YI #YoungIndians #Nasscom #Nasscomfutureskills #NaanMudhalvan #Upskilling #skillindia #startupindia #crunchbase #Ycombinator #makeinindia

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