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National Entrepreneurship Day

National Entrepreneurship Day

On Thursday, 30 Nov 2023

As part of the National Entrepreneurship Day initiative, SNS Technical Institutions and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell ( EDC) organized a First Generation Entrepreneur's Meetup'23 with 15 first-generation entrepreneurs from diverse fields. This meeting had given highlights SNS Institutions' commitment to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship among youngsters.  #SNSInstitutions #SNSDesignThinkers #DesignThinking #entrepreneurship #meetup #DesignThinkingMattersNow #stanford #stanfordgsb #sutdsingapore #TiEGlobal #CII #YI #YoungIndians #Nasscom #Nasscomfutureskills #NaanMudhalvan #Upskilling #skillindia #startupindia #crunchbase #Ycombinator #makeinindia

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