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Tour DE Force

Tour DE Force

On Monday, 17 Jul 2023

🎉 Exciting Announcement🎉Join us for an unforgettable experience at the “TOUR DE FORCE!” 🌟 Save the date and get ready to be amazed on 20.07.2023 Organised by the “DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES” at “SNS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY”- COIMBATORE. 🔗 Connect with us and Spread the word and invite your friends to join us at the “TOUR DE FORCE”. It's going to be an experience you won't forget! See you there! 🎉✨ #SNSInstitutions #SNSDesignThinkers #DesignThinking #engineering #mechanical #GDTA #lab #gocart #DesignThinkingMattersNow #stanford #stanfordgsb #sutdsingapore #TiEGlobal #CII #YI #YoungIndians #Nasscom #Nasscomfutureskills #NaanMudhalvan #Upskilling #skillindia #startupindia #crunchbase #Ycombinator #makeinindia

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