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10th Annual Day

10th Annual Day

On Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023

Dear All, We are thrilled to invite you to the much-awaited SNS Academy 10th Annual Day *"Kaleidoscope- A Global Odyssey of Dance and Culture*, a celebration of talent, creativity, and community spirit! This year's event promises to be an unforgettable experience, and we would be honored to have you join us. Date: 22.12.2023 Venue: Open Auditorium, SNS Technical campus Time: 3.00pm onwards. #SNSInstitutions #SNSDesignThinkers #DesignThinking #admission #annualday #sns #DesignThinkingMattersNow #stanford #stanfordgsb #sutdsingapore #TiEGlobal #CII #YI #YoungIndians #Nasscom #Nasscomfutureskills #NaanMudhalvan #Upskilling #skillindia #startupindia #crunchbase #Ycombinator #makeinindia

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